
AGES 8-11


Dynamos Cricket is the new ECB programme for 8-11 year olds following on from the highly successful All Stars Cricket programme.

Programme features:

  • For all children aged eight to eleven
  • Delivered nationwide at over 2,000 centres
  • Eight 60 - 90 minute sessions, held over eight weeks
  • Emphasis on fun and being active
  • Focus on developing your child's skills
  • Safe and fully accredited
  • Valuable time with your kids – mums and dads are encouraged to take part too
  • Easy online registration
  • Includes a personalised t-shirt

You can find out more about Dynamos Cricket and find your nearest centre via the Postcode finder go to:  www.ecb.co.uk/play/dynamoscricket


Your centre will receive full support from the Cheshire Cricket Board (CCB) and England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)when implementing Dynamos Cricket, including the following:

  • Easy-to-use online system and tools
  • National marketing campaign and marketing guide to promote your centre locally
  • Online and face-to-face volunteer training
  • Dedicated member of County Cricket Board staff to help implement Dynamos Cricket at your centre
  • Access to the Dynamos Cricket helpdesk
  • Ability to cost the programme as they wish (£15 back to the ECB)

How can it fit in at your club?

  • Alongside what you already offer for 8-11-year-olds, run as a participation programme
  • Your club offer for 8-11-year-olds
  • As a summer holiday programme
  • As a girls-only programme

Key Information 2024

New Club Checklist - if you are a new club for 2024 there is a useful checklist for getting set up here

Participant sign up priority window - Open Wednesday 3rd April
(past participants and those who have registered an interest)

Participant sign up window - Wednesday 10th April

Programme start date - Friday 10th May

*Please note there have been some challenges this year with kit supply and some items that have not passed relevant regulatory check, click here for more information.

The ECB will be providing regular updates on the plans for the All Stars and Dynamos programmes, these will be sent directly to your All Stars/Dynamos 'key club contact'. The Cheshire Cricket Board will also contact activators directly via our dedicated WHATSAPP group

Activator Training
Comprehensive training is provided for all activators with a combination of online and face-to-face training. Training can be booked via your activator checklist on Clubspark (live from February). Club/centre administrators need to add individuals to clubspark as activators in order for them to be sent an invite to join and create an account.

How to add a new activator
New Activators - need to attend a face-to-face course (2hr) and complete their online e-learning, safeguarding and hold an ECB DBS check.

Face-to-Face Courses 2024
6th March – Ruskin Community High, Crewe. (CW2 7JT) 6:00pm-8:00pm
21st March – Clare Mount Specialist College, Leasowe. (CH46 9PA) 6:30pm-8:30pm
8th April – Oakmere CC (CW8 2EL)  6pm-8pm
17th April – Cheadle Hulme CC (SK8 7NB), 6pm-8pm

If you register for a course via the direct link please make sure you are logged into Clubspark with your activator account linked to the club.

National Programme Resources

The ECB has created an Activator Webspace with advice, resources and support for All Stars and Dynamos Cricket, including:

    • Recruiting Activators and Volunteers
    • Supporting Activators
    • Celebrating Activators
    • Recruitment posters and email templates
    • Activator handbook

Programme updates
ECB Club Roadshow - 28th November 2023 - watch the recording here
Q + A document here

Programme promotion
Our Development & Coaching Officers can support you with promoting your programmes in local primary schools
Andrew Jackson
Ben Tomlinson
Stewart Garnett

Programme Curriculum - activity videos, session plans and supporting resources can be found on icoachcricket.co.uk  - you can create a free account for this and there is also an app available on iPhone and android.

Marketing materials
All Stars - view and download here
Dynamos - view and download here
Photo consent form - view and download here
You could also create an electronic version of this for parents to complete ahead of your progamme starting.
Welcome email - view and download a template here
It is really important to get communications out to parents ahead of your programme starting. You can email all parents directly from Clubspark.

'TWINKLE' the All Stars mascot
You can book use of the All Stars mascot at your club, contact Owen Williamson -

Countdown Cricket App
Watch the how to use video here
Download for Iphone
Download for Android

Icoach cricket – great for viewing the session plans as you set up! Mobile friendly website.

Dynamos – mainly for participants but good for reference
Download for Iphone
Download for Android

Register App – The ECB Activator app is where you will be able to take an easy register for both programmes, make sure you download it!
Download for Iphone
Download for Android

Useful videos (2021)
Registering and adding your programme
Running an All Stars Cricket session
Running a Dynamos Cricket session
Completing your e-learning

Activators' Facebook group
National Facebook Group

Activators' WhatsApp group
Direct invite link

ECB All Stars Helpdesk
Click here for the online helpdesk
All Stars enquires - allstarscricket@ecb.co.uk
Dynamos enquires - dynamoscricket@ecb.co.uk
ECB helpdesk - 0800 085 7998

For more information and support contact Owen Williamson

Information for Parents

Dynamos is an ECB programme which makes cricket accessible for everyone. It is the perfect place for children to begin on their cricket journey, but also as the next step for those who have finished All Stars cricket. Dynamos on YouTube

  • A national programme
  • For anyone aged eight to eleven
  • 8x 60 – 90 minute sessions, held over eight weeks
  • Fun sessions, where skills are learned and developed
  • A game each week, where new skills can be applied
  • New format cricket
  • Easy online registration
  • Includes a personalised New Balance t-shirt
  • Safe and fully accredited- delivered by Dynamo Activators
  • Playing with wooden bats.
  • Money can’t buy experiences

Sign up at your local Dynamos centre - https://www.ecb.co.uk/play/dynamoscricket

Download the Dynamos Cricket app, which contains 18 different skills challenge videos across bowling, batting and fielding. Complete challenges to earn virtual runs and get to the next level!

Download from the App Store

Download from the Play Store

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